The Value of Attending Industry Events for Brand Marketers with Jennifer Watson
When it comes to finding value in attending events and industry conferences, FOMOfanz podcast host Brian Fanzo can provide a laundry list of reasons, tips and value. But it would be out of turn for him to speak for brand marketers as he’s never been a brand marketer himself. So on episode 094 of the FOMOFanz podcast, Brian Fanzo brings on a special co-host meteorologist and social media specialist Jennifer Watson to provide her brand marketer perspective on attending industry events as well as her take on emotional marketing, personal branding and the power of live video.
Brian and Jennifer had a casual conversation from the couch about a wide range of topics including the value Jennifer has found attending industry events not only as an attendee but also as a speaker as she has spoken at events such as SocialFresh, Social Media Day Jax and Social Media Marketing World
This episode was recorded during Valentines day week as Brian and Jennifer had a fun discussion around the importance of happiness and love not only within emotional marketing but also the importance of self-love including investing in yourself as Jennifer recently did on a mastermind retreat with a group of social media diva’s that all met at a networking event.
Listen below or on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | or search “FOMOFanz” in your favorite podcasting app.
Other questions discussed in this episode:
- How do you present the value of live video to your brand?
- What’s the value of personal branding as a brand marketer?
- How do you balance personal brand growth while also linking it your brand?
- Why even brand marketers need to connect with entrepreneurs in their industry
- How attending events solo can be more valuable than attending with your team?
- Why finding your tribe can be valuable for both your personal brand and the company you work for?
- How to be more positive & include love in everything you do?
- What brands need to do if they want to embrace an emotional connection with their audience?
- Why it doesn’t matter if you are a brand, small business or entrepreneur we need to embrace empathy, vulnerability, and transparency.
- Role of emotional marketing and how to integrate more LOVE as an emotion for brand connection.
Host Brian Fanzo and special co-host Jennifer Watson hope you enjoyed this episode and can add a little love into your marketing while also seeing the value in attending industry events and pressing the damn button around live video!
Links mentioned in this podcast:
Events both Brian & Jennifer will be speaking at in 2019 :
- Social Media Marketing World: #SMMW19 March 20–22nd
- Social Shake-Up Atlanta May 7–9
- Social Media Week Lima June 28th
- SocialFresh 2019 Nov 13–15th
Watch a clip from behind the scenes of the recording of this episode:
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